Baraka Dry Nose Light

Colds and Airline Flights

Ever wonder why you’re more susceptible to a cold after a long flight? It could be all those people crammed into a small space, but what pushes us over the edge is the low humidity. Once in flight, the humidity drops, and our moist nasal membranes start to dry up. Most people don’t notice this when they are flying less than 4 hours, but on international flights, it’s undeniable. Not only does our nose and lips go dry, but our hair flattens, and we become unusually thirsty. We can lose up to 8 oz of fluid from our body each hour we are in flight. Some of the worst sinus infections I’ve had as an adult, have been after an international flight. Our nasal passages also dry up in arid or high-altitude regions like Denver or Tucson. Most commonly during the winter, indoor heating reduces humidity and can also dry the sinus cavity.

If you use a neti pot daily and live with a normal level of humidity, you may find that you have no issues with a dry sinus cavity during the summer.  However, once winter comes along and the humidity levels decrease, daily rinsing can cause the sinuses to become too dry.

If you find yourself in any of these situations, it’s important to stay hydrated; moist nasal membranes help the cilia (tiny hair like structures) move bacteria or viruses out of the sinuses. We often think too much mucus is the culprit for a cold but a dry nose is no better. If overly dry, people can find it painful to breathe and experience nose bleeds.  Think of a dry nose like dry skin which can feel irritated and crack. But unlike dry skin, the sinuses can become a breeding ground for infection.

Remedies for Dry Nose

What can you do to hydrate your sinuses? Keep the humidity in your home between 35-45%. With the correct humidity, the sinuses remain hydrated and easily rid themselves of infection and particulate matter such as pollen or dust. How do you know if your home is too dry? You can purchase a humidity meter. Or snap your bedroom sheets and see if they spark! If that doesn’t help or you are scheduled to take flight, the best trick I’ve found is to drink a lot of water, wash your hands often and avoid alcohol while in-flight.  Another suggestion, inspired by the Ayurvedic tradition, uses a combination of sesame seed oil and herbs/essential oils to soothe the nasal passages and get the cilia to move again.  In a sense, it’s lotion for the sinus cavities!

See our Dry Nose Oil for more information